Earthway Technologies




Everyone is aware of common news item of loss of lives and damages during monsoon Season due to a bolt of lightning thus it is the need of the hour to provide adequate safety to various installations (factories, offices, residential and public buildings etc.) from the strike of lighting. In this article a brief regarding the lightning protection is highlighted.



Direct Strike

Lightning strikes directly on exterior surfaces, transmitting high-energy impulses through conductors.

Indirect Strike

Lightning strikes connected systems, like electricity or phone lines, causing lower-energy impulses.

Inductive Effect

Ground strikes induce transients in conductors, affecting building systems with minimal energy.

Structural Damage

Direct hits may cause cracks, fires, or other damage to the building structure

Electrical Interference

Surges disrupt electrical devices, leading to outages or damage to sensitive equipment.

Safety Risks

Lightning poses a severe risk to occupants, especially without proper grounding or protection systems

Technical Specification


Significance of Protection During Monsoons:

The data collected by expensive equipment installed in building structures becomes critically important during the monsoon season, when heavy rains inundate catchment areas. This period also coincides with the highest occurrence of lightning strikes. Sensitive electronics within the structure are at significant risk of damage from direct lightning strikes. Studies indicate that 99% of lightning strikes exhibit strengths of 3000 amps or more, posing a substantial threat to the equipment.

Significance of Protection During Monsoons:

The data collected by expensive equipment installed in building structures becomes critically important during the monsoon season, when heavy rains inundate catchment areas. This period also coincides with the highest occurrence of lightning strikes. Sensitive electronics within the structure are at significant risk of damage from direct lightning strikes. Studies indicate that 99% of lightning strikes exhibit strengths of 3000 amps or more, posing a substantial threat to the equipment.

Cable and Instrumentation Damage:

A typical lightning strike strong enough to destroy an instrument can also cause damage to associated cabling. This is often evidenced by pinhole punctures in cable jackets. Even if the sensors themselves are not destroyed, these small punctures can allow water ingress, leading to a host of additional problems. Increased electrical noise caused by water entry can result in instability and unreliable system performance.

Risks of Closely Routed Cables:

Cables commonly routed within building structures are also at risk of damage due to arcing caused by lightning. This is particularly true for cables positioned close together in trenches or passing through common boreholes. Arcing between adjacent cables can exacerbate the damage, leading to potential system failures and increased maintenance challenges for the structure's electrical systems.

What Indian standard Says

As per IS 2309:1989, Clause 8.1, the following points outline the need for protection:

Where a large number of people congregate.
Where essential public services are concerned.
Where the area is prone to frequent lightning strokes.
Where the area is prone to frequent lightning strokes.
Where structures hold historic or cultural importance.
Where industrial or high-value assets are located.

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Comparison between conventional ROD and the Advanced ESE LA

Description ESE Type LA Conventional ROD Type LA
Working Principle Active device seeks for the lightning & engages it 25 to 60 meters above the tip of the LA. This ensures the impact is much above the structure and no currents get into the stray infrastructure. Based on spike or finial, waits for the lightning to strike on its tip. The tip may align with the upward leader around 24 meters above the tip. In this case, there could be stray currents getting into the structure.
Probability on Strike Only one device is sufficient to give zonal protection up to 214 meters. To provide adequate protection, several spikes are required to be installed.
Diameter In general, the spike provides protection in a cone of 45 degrees around the LA. These LAs need to be mounted at a 20-meter diameter if the tip of the LA is 10 meters above the structure being protected.
Level of Protection Only one system installed at a height of 2 meters above the structure gives protection of 98% from lightning less than 10 KA. A grid is required to be formed atop the building to provide protection, and a passive device with a height of 1.2 meters gives a protection of 40% from lightning less than 10 KA, which may be hazardous to electronic components.
Installation Only one down conductor from top to bottom is required for an effective drain path. Several down conductors due to the presence of several LAs.
Effectiveness Designed to perform effectively with 99% reliability. Non-reliable.